Bleigiessen for New Years

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! We rung in the New Year at the hotel by testing out a really fun German New Year tradition, bleigiessen and trying out a new show on Netflix, Sons of Anarchy. We fell asleep before midnight so we missed the fireworks in the village, but now (at 8 am) it is really foggy so we probably wouldn’t have been able to see anything anyways. 

Bleigiessen is kind of different—and not for small children—but still pretty cool. You take a piece of shaped lead, melt it in a spoon over a flame and then pour the hot lead into cold water. Next, you stare at your cooled lead and look for shapes like you would in the clouds. Various shapes mean different things for your new year. For example, if you see a dagger you will be victorious, a lizard means that an annoyance will disappear, and a hat is good news. This tradition dates back to Ancient Greece and is popular in Germany, Austria, and Nordic countries.


I melted the pig and saw a golf club which wasn’t on the list so I went with a spoon which means that people are talking about me. I hope what they are saying is good! Fil melted the champagne bottle and saw a bomb exploding which means he will escape danger. For Brock we melted the sun and saw grains which means his wishes will be fulfilled in 2015.


We tried to make a video of the tradition but it was a bit of a hot mess so we decided to take pictures of the process of us melting a mushroom for you! What do you see? Leave an answer in the comments and if I can match it to the list I will tell you your future!

IMG_1608How about an update on Brock? His latest thing is taking his pacifier out and then trying to put it back in himself. Just yesterday he also started curling his tongue to make a really high squeal. He likes to dive-bomb and grab at his toes, but he really LOVES looking at himself in the mirror. He makes all different faces and giggles like crazy. Oh, he also loves to karate chop everything all day long too.


He wants to feed himself, and can hold the bottle for a few seconds before it falls so he just gets air, but he absolutely does not like eating food. We did it for about 5 days and then he discovered that if he didn’t open his mouth the spoon would not go in. It didn’t matter if it was cereal, peas, or applesauce he was not opening up so now I mix cereal in one bottle a day. We will try the spoon again once we are settled out of the hotel.

Now he is wearing 9 month sized clothing because his torso and legs are so long but everything is loose in the tummy since he isn’t very chunky. He is getting sick of sleeping in the pack-n-play, but I can’t blame him, it has been over two months of sleeping in it. Hopefully soon he will be able to sleep in his crib in his own room for the first time. I already bought a German baby monitor so we are ready! By the way, fun fact, American baby monitors run on the same waves as German emergency networks so if your baby interferes with them you will be fined!

Our APO mailbox has received a few Christmas cards (thank you!), but yesterday we got two packages! Gifts for Brock (thanks Sara :)) and my new baby carrier! I am very excited about my Tula. Brock’s weight disappears when I wear him in this which will make our exploring so much more comfortable! And look how cute the print is!


We wish you all the best in 2015!

14 thoughts on “Bleigiessen for New Years

  1. Happy new year!!! Give Brock a hug for me. Now… In regards to the lead, I think it looks like a norwhale. Is there a interpretation for that?


  2. Love all your writtings and pictures. Please keep them coming. I did not know you had an APO mailing address. Please let me know what it is.


  3. I was thinking a castle sitting on rock cliff w/ ocean spraying against the rocks!! How is that for imagination although I see that someone else saw a castle as well! Happy New Year to you!!! Thanks for the pics and updates, I really do enjoy reading about your exploration and insights.


  4. Jen I see a wild unicorn or a Christmas tree exploding out of an upside down golf bag 😉

    What a cool & toxic tradition lol… Fun though!;)

    Gosh Brock sounds sooooo cute!!!! I just want to pick him up & squeeze him!! Can’t wait for Evy & Cora to play with him some day:)

    Liked by 1 person

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